Under the “Guidelines for Course Selection for Students” (attached below), course selection at NCCU proceeds through three stages: preliminary selection (including Phases I & II), online add/drop ( Phase III), and in-person add/drop with course instructor approval (Phase IV).
Preliminary selection begins a few weeks before the classes start. In Phase I, students can select all courses except general and P.E. courses. In Phase II, students can re-apply for courses which were full in Phase I, along with general and P.E. courses. The whole process is conducted online through the Course Selection System. During this period, course registration is conducted at random, rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration results are posted to the Course Selection System and are sent to your campus email account.
Online add/drop runs during the first week and a half of classes, giving students an opportunity to assess the suitability of the course to their needs and interests. Add/drop is conducted online through the Course Selection System, with results shown in the Course Selection System and sent to your campus email.
Manual add/drop runs for an additional week after the end of the online add/drop period. To add or drop a course during this period, you will need to submit a Course Addition or Drop Request Form (both can be downloaded from the Course Selection System and are also available at each departmental office). The forms must be signed by the course instructor and submitted to the office of the department offering the course (for adding) or to the Registration Office (for dropping). Please note that course instructors will prioritize students on the Course Selection System waiting list. During this period, undergraduates can add/drop a maximum of 5 courses, and 3 courses for graduate students.
Please refer to the “Course Search Engine Introduction” (attached below) for more information on each course selection period and how to use the Course Selection System.