NCCU Student Safety Insurance (group insurance)
- Applies to all NCCU students
- Fee: NT$183/semester for year 2022-2023 (included in tuition fees)
- Insurer: Nan San Insurance
Coverage: hospitalization
Beneficiary: Insured (student)
Application documents:
- Insurance Application Form 保險申請書
- Application Form for NCCU Seal 蓋校印申請書
- Certificate of Diagnosis-Original 診斷證明正本
- Receipt-Original 收據正本 or Receipt-Copy (with hospital stamp: copy conforms to the original) 收據副本 (蓋醫院”與正本相符”章)
Claim processing time: 1 month
Contact: Office of Student Affairs, Mr. Chen (; ext.62223)
Overseas Medical and Injury Insurance
Prior to leaving your home country, purchase valid medical and injury insurance for no less than 6 months starting from the date you enter Taiwan.
NCCU Group Insurance
Incoming students who fail to submit medical insurance certificates upon their arrival in Taiwan are required to purchase group medical insurance arranged by OIC. The fee is NTD3000/6 months in year 2022-2023.
- Insurer : Mercuries Life Insurance
- Coverage: Outpatient and hospitalization
- Beneficiary: Insured (student)
Application documents :
- Insurance Application Form 保險申請書
- Certificate of Diagnosis - Original 診斷證明正本
- Receipt - Original 收據正本
- Copy of Bank Deposit Book of Insured (front page) 被保險人存摺封面影本
- Copy of passport and ARC 被保險人護照及居留證影本
Claim processing time: 1 month
Contact: Office of International Cooperation, Ms. Alison (; ext. 62040)
National Health Insurance (NHI)
Taiwan’s NHI covers all citizens and foreign residents. For benefits, limitations, and terms of coverage information, visit the NHI website.
NHI provides comprehensive coverage for regular outpatient and inpatient medical care and examinations (including dental) with a small copayment incurred by the patient to be paid at the time of service.
Rates & Terms of Coverage
During your enrollment at NCCU, the university will handle your NHI payments, charging each student NTD4,956 each semester for six months of coverage as part of your tuition fees.
To qualify for NHI, you must have been resident in Taiwan for six continuous months (with no more than 30 days and only once out of Taiwan during the period). Therefore, to bridge this six month gap before you qualify for NHI, you must arrange at least six months of private international medical coverage in your home country prior to arrival.
For the students who enter Taiwan on a Resident Visa, the six month qualification period begins upon your date of arrival. For students who enter Taiwan on a Visitor Visa, the six month period begins from the date you change to a Resident Visa.
If you are already covered by NHI through an organization other than NCCU, please contact the OIC to switch your coverage over to NCCU.
Application Procedures (First-time enrollees):
- Submit your ARC to OIC to begin your NHI application. You will be notified by email when your eligibility date draws near.
- When your NHI coverage start draws near, OIC will notify you by email to submit a passport-sized photo and a scan/photo of your Alien Residence Certificate (ARC) (front side only) to You will be notified by email when to pick up your NHI card at the OIC (usually about ten days).
NHI Fee Payments
Once you qualify for NHI, NCCU will include a charge of NTD4,956 NHI fee in your semester tuition fees, and this charge will appear in your second semester fee statement. A similar charge will be included in each semester’s tuition fees thereafter as long as you remain covered by NHI through NCCU.
If you leave NCCU prior to the last month of your current NHI coverage period, you will be refunded NTD826 per month unused. This refund will be remitted to the bank/postal account on record.
Important Notes on Enrollment During Study Period
- Students who meet the eligibility requirements for NHI coverage during their study period must enroll through NCCU as the insured unit.
- First-time enrollees: After residing in Taiwan for six months with a ARC, the school will assist with the NHI enrollment and application for the NHI IC card (required documents: one copy each of the front and back of the ARC and one 2" photo; document submission time: mid-February, subject to the notification sent by the Office of International Cooperation via email).
Important Notes on Enrollment During Employment
- When a student is permitted to work in Taiwan and is employed by a business unit, the employer (insurance unit) must process the student's insurance enrollment with the National Health Insurance Administration within 3 days from the date the insured (employed student) qualifies for insurance coverage.
- When a student enrolls in insurance through an employer, they should complete the transfer-out process from NCCU to avoid duplicate insurance coverage.
- After a student terminates their employment with the work unit and completes the transfer-out process, they must enroll in insurance to ensure their rights to medical care under the National Health Insurance. (For example, if the student is employed by a new work unit, they should enroll in insurance through the new unit; if not employed, they should enroll in insurance through NCCU.)
- For those who have already enrolled in insurance through another unit but wish to transfer to NCCU: Please first handle the transfer-out process with the original insurance unit (e.g., language school, work unit, district office) and obtain the health insurance transfer-out form or certificate. Then, go to the OIC to issue the NHI payment bill, pay the fee at the university cashier, and bring the receipt and the original insurance unit’s transfer-out certificate to the OIC to complete the transfer-in process.
- For those who have already enrolled in insurance through another unit and do not wish to transfer to NCCU: Please submit a copy of your Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) and NHI card to the OIC.
Important Information for Students on Leave, Graduated, or Withdrawn from NCCU
NCCU provides NHI coverage only to currently registered students. Those who have graduated, taken a leave of absence, deferred admission, or withdrawn from the university must arrange their own NHI coverage
You will lose NHI coverage once your ARC expires.
If you plan to leave Taiwan for more than 6 months, remember to suspend your NHI, as you will continue to be charged as long as your ARC remains valid. Contact us to assist with suspending your NHI.
For more information, contact
Degree students:
- New students-Mr. Frank Chang (
- Current students-Ms. Sasha Ling (
Exchange students:
- Mr. Yulin Kuo (
- Ms. Kiki Chen (