
NCCU Scholarships

Eligible Applicants: New Degree Students

Tuition Waiver

◆Duration: Bachelor (Max. 4 Years), Masters (Max. 2 Years), Ph.D. (Max. 3 Years)

◆Award: Full exemption from tuition fees and credit fees

◆Number of recipients: Depends on the budget allocated for the academic year.

◆Eligibility: Only newly admitted international students without additional scholarships are eligible.

◆Timeline: Coordinated with the two-staged admission process.

◆Nomination: Each college should establish its own internal selection process and provide the list of scholarship recipients to the OIC. Individual applications by students are not accepted.

◆Announcement of recipients: Published on the OIC website along with the list of newly admitted international students

◆Relevant links: Guidelines

New Inbound International Students Scholarship Pilot Plan

◆Applicable Degree and Duration: Bachelor (4 Years), Masters (2 Years), Ph.D. (3 Years)

◆Award Coverage: 

Full scholarship: Tuition waiver (not including credit fees) and a living allowance of NTD150,000 per academic year:

(1) Living allowance includes monthly allowance of NT$ 10,000/month and roundtrip flight tickets to Taiwan.

(2) Scholarship recipients should be reimbursed for actual expenses toward roundtrip tickets (upper limit: NT$ 30,000/academic year).

Half scholarship: Tuition waiver (not including credit fees)

◆Notes: Only newly admitted international students without additional scholarships are eligible

◆Available through nomination by individual academic departments and programs to the OIC every April and December 

◆Relevant links: Guidelines


Eligible Applicants: Current Degree Students

Academic Excellence Scholarship 

◆Applicable Degree: Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D.

◆Award Amount: Depending on funding availability

◆Notes: Students who have been enrolled at NCCU for more than one semester may apply. A transcript of the previous semester will be required upon applying. Those who have received other full scholarships are excluded.

◆How to Apply: Apply to the OIC in September and late February each year (actual deadlines to be announced by the OIC).

◆Relevant links: Chinese Guidelines / English Guidelines

Note: For scholarships provided by colleges, departments, institutes, and programs, please contact the awarding body directly.

Government Scholarships

Eligible Applicants: New Degree Students

Taiwan Scholarship


◆Applicable Degree and Duration: Bachelor (4 Years), Masters (2 Years), Ph.D. (4 Years)

◆Award Coverage:

Bachelor: Monthly living stipend of NTD15,000 and per semester tuition subsidy of NTD40,000. If tuition exceeds NTD40,000 (including credit fees), the balance will be waived by NCCU.

Masters and Ph.D.: Monthly living stipend of NTD20,000 and per semester tuition subsidy NTD40,000.

■ IMBA and MBA Students: Per semester tuition subsidy of NTD40,000. If tuition exceeds NTD40,000 (including credit fees), the balance must be paid by the scholarship recipient.

■ Recipients enrolled at departments/ programs other than IMBA/ MBA: Per semester tuition subsidy of NTD40,000. If tuition exceeds NTD40,000 (including credit fees), the balance will be waived by NCCU.

■ As of March 2020, tuition for MOE Taiwan scholarship students enrolled at IMAS is covered by the MOE and IMAS.


◆Applicable Degree and Duration: Bachelor (4 Years), Masters (2 Years), Ph.D. (4 Years)

◆Award Coverage: Monthly living stipend of NTD30,000 and one round-trip economy-class flight ticket from home country.


◆Applicable Degree and Duration: Masters (2 Years), Ph.D. (3 Years)

◆Award Coverage: Monthly living stipend of NTD30,000

◆How to Apply: Contact the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in your country. Applications are accepted from February 1 to March 31.

◆Relevant links: Ministry of Education  Taiwan Overseas Representative Offices  

Taiwan Scholarship And Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Office

Taiwan ICDF Higher Education Scholarship Programs

◆Applicable Degree and Duration: Masters (2 Years), Ph.D. (4 Years)

◆Award Coverage and How to Apply: Please visit the TaiwanICDF website

◆Notes: ONLY applicable for those from certain countries

Only available by application to TECO in the applicant’s home country.

ONLY applicable for participating Taiwan ICDF scholarship programs: IMBA  IMPIS

◆Relevant links: TaiwanICDF  Taiwan Overseas Representative Offices

Elite Scholarship Program:

Southeast or South Asia/Africa

◆Applicable Degree and Duration: Masters (2 Years), Ph.D. (3 Years) 

(Total awards cannot exceed 3 years cumulatively for all degree programs for a single applicant. Thus, a student who has previously received a two-year Master’s degree under the Elite Scholarship Program would only be eligible to receive another year of financial support for his/her Ph.D. degree).

◆Award Coverage: 

Tuition waiver and monthly stipend (depending on funding availability). Scholarship quota to be announced and regulated by the ROC Ministry of Education. 


Scholarship applicants must currently occupy a formal lecturer position at a public or private college or university in Southeast  Asia, South Asia, or Africa. Nationals of the Republic of China and overseas Chinese citizens are not eligible.

The following are NOT eligible for this scholarship:

1. Individuals who are currently enrolled in or on leave of absence from another college or university in Taiwan, with exceptions for students who are in the process of graduating from a  Bachelor’s or  Master’s program and are applying to pursue a  higher degree. 

2. Candidates enrolling in a program that awards a degree that duplicates another degree already held by the applicant from a university in Taiwan (e.g., an applicant who already holds a Master's Degree from a university in Taiwan would be ineligible for scholarship to pursue a second Masters Degree).  

3. Current exchange students or students enrolled in a double (or joint) degree through an academic cooperation arrangement between a foreign educational institution and a college or university in Taiwan.

4. Applicants who are currently receiving other scholarships or subsidies from the ROC government.

◆How to Apply:

Scholarship applicants are nominated by their individual academic departments or programs to the OIC. The applicants must submit the following documents when applying online for NCCU degree-seeking programs:

(1) Proof of employment with a current lecturer certificate or employment contract for the current position.

(2) Scholarship Application Form: Southeast or South AsiaAfrica