首頁 > 本地學生 > 113第1學期校級國際薦外交換甄試 颱風備案公告 Notice of Contingency Plan for the 113 Academic Year, 1st Semester, University-Level International Exchange Student Examination

113第1學期校級國際薦外交換甄試 颱風備案公告 Notice of Contingency Plan for the 113 Academic Year, 1st Semester, University-Level International Exchange Student Examination


  • 外語組筆試改線上筆試:
  1. 下載考題。
  1. 請考生於16日上午7時50分,至國合處網站下載考題(word檔)。
  2. 國合處網址:https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/
  1. 登入線上會議室,開啟鏡頭,參與筆試。
  1. 請考生以甄試編號、學號及姓名,於16日上午7時50分至7時59分,登入會議室,並開啟鏡頭。
  2. 作答時間為16日上午8時起至9時止,共計1小時。
  3. 作答時,請以電腦繕打作答,將答案直接輸入試題卷。
  4. 考試開始後,將核對考生名單,缺席者以零分計算。
  1. 上傳答案卷。
  1. 請考生將答案卷存成PDF檔,填寫「筆試繳交表單」並上傳檔案。
  2. 最遲請於16日上午9時15分前上傳完畢,超過繳交時間者(以表單戳記時間為準),筆試以零分計算。
  • 英語組及外語組口試改繳交影片:
  • 本次線上口筆試相關訊息公告時間:
  • 11月16日上午7時50分於國合處網站公告:
  1. 筆試題目。
  2. 筆試線上會議室連結。
  3. 筆試繳交答案卷連結(上傳截止時間為上午9時15分)
  • 11月16日上午9時於國合處網站公告:
  1. 口試題目。
  2. 口試影片繳交連結(上傳截止時間為下午3時30分)
  • 請考生於考試前詳細檢查應考資訊設備及網路環境,勿以手機作答。
  • 倘有不可歸責於考生之突發情況,請於16日下午5時前,將書面佐證資料及事由以電子郵件提交國合處(outbound@nccu.edu.tw),逾期未反映者,視同接受考試結果,本處不再受理。
  • 如有未盡事宜,國合處保留補充修改之權利,若有任何更動,皆以網站公告為準,不另行通知。
  • 請所有考生遵守規則,倘被發現考試作弊,一律失去甄試資格,並得視情節輕重,提報校內懲處單位辦理。

--------------------------------------(English Version)-----------------------------------------------

The University-Level International Exchange Student Examination for the 1st semester of the 113 academic year is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2024. If the Taipei City Government announces a suspension of work and school due to typhoon Usagi on that day, the examination will be conducted in the following manner:

I. Written Examination for Foreign Language Groups:

  • Online Written Examination:
    • Exam Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM, Saturday, November 16, 2024.
    • Steps to Participate:
      1. Download the Exam Paper:
        • Examinees are required to download the exam paper (in Word format) from the Office of International Cooperation website at 7:50 AM on November 16.
        • Office of International Cooperation Website: https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/
      2. Log in to the Online Meeting Room:
        • Examinees must log in to the meeting room using their exam code, student ID number, and name between 7:50 AM and 7:59 AM on November 16, and turn on their cameras.
        • The exam duration is from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM on November 16, for a total of 1 hour.
        • Examinees should type their answers directly into the exam paper using computer.
        • After the exam begins, the attendance list will be checked. Absentees will receive a score of zero.
      3. Upload the Answer Sheet:
        • Examinees must save their answer sheet as a PDF file, fill out the "Written Exam Submission Form," and upload the file.
        • The deadline for submission is 9:15 AM on November 16. Late submissions (based on the timestamp on the form) will result in a score of zero.

II. Oral Examination for English and Foreign Language Groups:

  • Submission of Recorded Videos:
    • Exam Date: November 16, Saturday, 2024
    • Release of Exam Questions: Oral exam questions will be posted on the Office of International Cooperation website at 9:00 AM on November 16.
    • Video Specifications: Examinees should record a 5-7 minute video of themselves, ensuring that their face is clearly visible and their voice is audible. The video should be recorded in the language of the exam group. Video editing effects will not be considered for scoring.
    • Video Submission: Please upload the recorded video to your personal cloud storage by 3:30 PM on November 16 and fill in the video link in the "Oral Exam Submission Form." Please ensure that the sharing settings are configured to allow review by the examiners.
    • Late submissions or missing submissions will result in a score of zero.

III. Announcement of Relevant Information for Online Written and Oral Examinations:

  • 7:50 AM on November 16:
    • Written exam paper
    • Link to the online meeting room for the written exam
    • Link for submitting written exam answer sheets (deadline: 9:15 AM)
  • 9:00 AM on November 16:
    • Oral exam questions
    • Link for submitting oral exam videos (deadline: 3:30 PM)

IV. Examinees should carefully check their equipment and network environment before the exam and avoid using mobile devices to answer questions.

V. In case of unforeseen circumstances beyond the examinee's control, please submit written supporting documents and an explanation to the Office of International Cooperation (outbound@nccu.edu.tw) by 5:00 PM on November 16. Failure to do so will be considered as acceptance of the exam results, and no further appeals will be accepted.

VI. The Office of International Cooperation reserves the right to supplement or modify this notice. Any changes will be announced on the website and no separate notifications will be issued.

VII. All examinees must abide by the rules. Any examinee found cheating will be disqualified from the examination and may be subject to disciplinary action by the university, depending on the severity of the offense.