首頁 > COVID-19 > IMPORTANT: New NCCU indoor mask regulations as of March 6

IMPORTANT: New NCCU indoor mask regulations as of March 6

Following recent policy changes by the Central Epidemic Command Center and the Ministry of Education, as of March 6 indoor masking requirements on the NCCU campus will be adjusted as follows:


Campus Access
The NCCU campus is open to both university students and personnel as well as the general public. NCCU parking permits are required for motor vehicle access on weekdays. Non-permit cars may access during weekends and national holidays, subject to restriction based on actual parking conditions. If an external vehicle requires campus access to transport university guests, please contact the security office at the General Affairs Office in advance.

Instructors and students have the right to decide whether to wear masks in the classrooms. If there are any special conditions or requirements, both instructors and students should provide sufficient explanation. After reaching a consensus with the class, instructors and students can decide together the guidelines for wearing masks.

In physical education classes, please follow the disease prevention guidelines for physical education classes and other relevant guidelines pertaining to the gymnasium.

Campus cafeterias/canteens are open for use by NCCU students and personnel. Food may be eaten in classrooms only when class is not in session. Disinfectant is available in each classroom and should be used to sanitize your desktop after eating.

Campus activities/conferences

There are no restrictions for the maximum capacity at an event, but the organizer must keep a list of attendees. Organizers may arrange for temperature checks, provide hand sanitizing stations, and prohibit eating/drinking at the event.
During the event, attendees generally may decide for themselves whether to wear masks. However, depending on the event situation and environment, the organizer may choose to encourage or require attendees to wear masks.

Student Dormitories
All student housing is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to student arrival. Temperature monitors and sanitizer is provided at the entrance of each dormitory for student use. Students must be masked at all times in public areas. 

Students showing potential COVID symptoms (e.g., fever, respiratory distress, diarrhea, loss of smell or taste, etc.) must perform a rapid screening. Positive results must be immediately reported to the dormitory service desk (Dormitory JhuangJing 1~3 : 823-72146, Dormitory JhuangJing 9 : 823-74328、Dormitory ZihCiang 1~3 : 823-73243, Dormitory ZihCiang 5-10: 823-75000)。

On-campus quarantine residential facilities are prioritized for use by students from overseas or otherwise distant areas, and local students who test positive for COVID will be asked to quarantine at home.

COVID-positive faculty, staff and students
If you test positive for COVID, you must register as such using the INCCU system to trigger community spread investigation.

Local students testing positive for COVID are required to self-isolate at home, while others are required to isolate at the university’s quarantine residential facility for five days.

Faculty and staff home isolation
Faculty and staff whose family members or other household members who test positive for COVID , or returning Taiwan from overseas are required to self-isolate for 7 days.

If you exhibit symptoms during self-monitoring, administer a rapid screening test. If the test is positive, arrange for self-isolation. If you are asymptomatic, you may access the campus and attend classes, but must remain fully masked and maintain social distancing. Try to limit eating and drinking to areas away from others, and immediately remask once finished. If  you choose to eat in a school cafeteria, please eat alone or with select, designated individuals, and be sure to clean the table carefully and remasking once finished.

International students living in single-room accommodations with a private bathroom may apply to self-isolate in their current room. Local students should self-isolate at home.

During self-monitoring, you may access the campus and attend class without COVID screening, but may not gather with others for meals or activities.

Students, faculty and staff who test positive and subsequently isolate at home are eligible for leave.