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Pandemic prevention measures for the Academic Year 2022-2023

1.Campus Access
The access control is now lifted and the campus is open to visitors with restrictions on vehicle entry. Visitor vehicles are not allowed to enter the school during weekdays. On weekends and national holidays, visitor parking will be allowed on campus depending on the parking capacity. If your invited guests have parking requirements, please submit a request in advance to the Campus Security Team.



All lectures will be held in person except certain remote learning courses.

Students are required to wear masks for the entire duration of classes. Teachers are allowed not to wear masks when teaching if social distancing is practiced. Eating and drinking are completely prohibited during class.

If students are unable to attend classes due to pandemic prevention measures or issuance of entry visas, teachers should provide flexible learning methods to help them keep on track with their studies

PE classes should be conducted in accordance with the pandemic prevention measures announced by the NCCU Physical Education Office.


Indoor dining in the campus cafeteria is allowed with necessary precautions taken as per instruction, so is dining in the classroom during recess. Talking while eating should be avoided. Cleaning the surface after eating using the disinfectant available in each classroom is advised.


4.In Person Meetings and Events on Campus

At present, there is no limit on the number of participants, but organizers
need to have a list of participants, measure body temperature, prepare disinfectant, and advise participants to avoid eating and drinking during such events. Except for situations where the CECC have exempted from wearing a mask, all participants are required to wear a mask at all times. Please observe and adjust the epidemic prevention measures on a rolling basis in accordance with the CECC's guidelines.

These situations and locations are exempt from mask wearing in accordance with the CECC mandate announced on July 19th 2022.
1. Exercising both indoors and outdoors.
2. Taking personal or group photos indoors.
3. Driving a car, riding a motorcycle or bike, alone or with individuals living in the same household.
4. Live broadcasting, being videoed, hosting, reporting, giving speeches, lectures and other work or activities related to verbal communication. 
5. Working outdoors in open spaces.
6. Conducting activities in the mountains and forests (including forest recreation areas) and seaside.
7. Using spa or sauna facilities or conducting water activities and other occasions that would make masks wet and ineffective.


5.Student Dormitories

Student dormitories will be cleaned and disinfected before students moving in. Thermometers and hand sanitizers will be available at the entrance of each dormitory. Students must wear masks in the common areas at all times.

If a student living in a dorm develops a fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, abnormal sense of smell and taste and other suspicious COVID-19 symptoms, please conduct a rapid test. If positive, please notify the dormitory service desk for assistance immediately (Zhuang Jing Dormitory No.1-3 ext.72146, Zhuang Jing Dormitory No.9 ext. 74328, Zi Qiang Dormitory No.1-3 ext. 73243, Zi Qiang Dormitory No.5-10 ext. 75000).

The on-campus quarantine dormitories are prioritized for oversea students and students from offshore islands. Local students should quarantine at home if possible.


6.Faculty, staff, and students testing positive of COVID-19.

If faculty and staff or students tested positive with rapid tests, please log in to the INCCU online system to report the confirmed cases. You’ll be contacted by school shortly afterwards for contact tracing.

Those who tested positive need to undergo 7 days of self-isolation + 7 days of self-health management. Leaving the place of self-isolation is forbidden. During the period of self-health management, one can enter school to work without a rapid test, but are not allowed to engage in meals and activities with others.

Local students are required to return home for quarantine and isolation. Students from offshore islands and abroad are required to move into the on-campus quarantine dormitory for 7 days of isolation.

7.Faculty, staff, and students listed as close contacts.
When the faculty, staff and students are classified as close contacts due to their household members, friends or roommates testing positive, they need to quarantine as per instructions (3+4 or 0+7 plan). During the home quarantine period, they are not allowed to go out (residential students are not allowed to leave the quarantine dormitory)

During the period of self-health management, please do not go out unless necessary. If it is necessary, a negative rapid test result conducted within the past two days will need to be presented.
Going out to work and buying daily necessities, while wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing is allowed. One is allowed to enter the school but not participate in class. Dining and other social activities are also prohibited.

Local students are required to return home for self-isolation, while students from offshore islands and abroad are required to move into the on-campus quarantine dormitory for 7 days of isolation or self-health management.


8.Faculty, staff, and students undergoing self-health management

During the self-health management period, please follow the CECC's guidelines. No rapid test will need to be conducted, but dining and social activities with others are still prohibited.

9.Being exposed to someone testing positive of COVID-19

The school will provide a rapid test kit to those who have spent more than 15 minutes without wearing a mask with a confirmed case.

Those who tested negative will be allowed to continue taking classes. If one begins to feel ill or display symptoms, please seek medical assistance immediately.

Those who were wearing masks while being in close contact with a confirmed case will need to undergo self-monitoring.

10.Leave of Absence

When testing positive or having to undergo quarantine, faculty and staff can apply for official leave or quarantine leave. Students can apply for quarantine leave.

Faculty and staff undergoing leave due to the pandemic will be required to work from home. If working from home is not an option, please apply for use of annual leave, compensatory overtime leave, or flexible leave. If students feel ill or show symptoms but still test negative, quarantine leave can also be applicable.