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"We Are in This Together." - A Letter from May-Shine Lin, Vice President for International Cooperation, NCCU & OIC Team

Dear NCCU International Students,


With the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases rising each day, and with more and more people around us affected in different ways, it is time for us to remind you that, you are not alone, because we are all in this together.


Taiwan has been putting up a good fight over the past two years. What is happening now might be inevitable but we are not totally unprepared. We already have a considerable degree of vaccine coverage, and most people are fully aware of the importance of “Non-pharmaceutical Interventions” such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, social distancing, etc. When we take good care of ourselves, we are looking out for each other as well.


Although all the courses have been switched online at the moment, we are all still very much together. Should you or anyone close to you test positive, remember to fill out the self-reporting form in NCCU Information System please access the system through link below: https://reurl.cc/QL4vdo, and click in Reporting Confirmed Cases button in General Information section) and follow the instructions that given. There will be instructions to follow and procedures to make sure that you are well looked after.


The pandemic had once inspired Albert Camus to write The Plague, in which the Noble Prize winner in literature reveals his existential philosophy: “They knew now that if there is one thing one can always yearn for, and sometimes attain, it is human love.” True, we are the world, and no one is really a stranger under this global pandemic. Please rest assured that the government and the university are all doing their level best and we will come out of the pandemic much stronger and even better empowered.


Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!


May-Shine Lin

Vice President for International Cooperation, NCCU

& OIC Team