首頁 > 本地學生 > 【轉知】Online mental health workshop series in English

【轉知】Online mental health workshop series in English

An online mental health workshop series
In partnership with Sky Campus Taiwan, our mental health workshop series was initiated as a countermeasure to the isolation resulting from the recent Covid-19 lockdown. The goal of the workshops is to provide a digital community space, once a week, for English-speaking members of Taiwan. The series of workshops will cover a range of topics, with an emphasis of discussing, venting, and normalizing similar lockdown experiences. The workshops will feature an array of experts including social workers, professors, and therapists.
All workshops are free thanks to our collaboration with Sky Campus Taiwan and the generosity of presenting guest speakers. For more information about Sky Campus Taiwan: https://www.skycampushappiness.org
For further questions about the workshop please feel free to contact me:
Instagram: @maxchang704
Email: maxchang2022@u.northwestern.edu
Event Duration : June 17th 2021 - July 22nd 2021 
Event Link: Event links will be different for every workshop, and an individualized email will be sent to you with the workshops you have signed up for. All events will be hosted on Zoom (free to download).
Google Form for RSVP: