首頁 > Intl Students > Express News / Seeing a Second Case of Confirmed Infection, NCCU Continues to Strengthen Covid-19 Pandemic Prevention Measures (Updated, June 3)

Express News / Seeing a Second Case of Confirmed Infection, NCCU Continues to Strengthen Covid-19 Pandemic Prevention Measures (Updated, June 3)

(Updated, June 3)

Last night (May 22), the University received the notification of another new case of confirmed infection of the Covid-19 pandemic. The student of newly confirmed infection is a Department classmate of the previous case of confirmed infection. They have shared a dormitory bedroom with each other. The student of newly confirmed infection left the campus for home on May 15. He/she started experiencing nasal congestion, cough, and other symptoms on May 16. Upon knowing the previous confirmed infection of his/her roommate, the University immediately notified this student to contact CECC’s (the Central Epidemic Command Center’s) Covid-19 pandemic emergency phone number, 1922, for professional medical  sampling and inspection. The result of confirmed infection was revealed last night. NCCU instantly expanded the areas of clearance and disinfection at the same time, and reinforced the cleaning and disinfection of classrooms, dormitories and public areas on the campus.



For the time being, the University has grasped the student’s individual conditions on the campus from May 2 to May 15, including the class timetables, classrooms, and classmates of his/her physical courses, which comprises the faculty and students with evidently identical footprints. The University has respectively issued those who were involved in the investigation a notice of independent health monitoring and medical care. If you do not receive any official notice issued by the University, it means that there is no clear footprint overlap between you and the confirmed case. In other words, the faculty and students of NCCU do not need to feel panic while things have been under solid control by the administration. On the other hand, for those who were in close contact with the confirmed case, we have to wait for the medical judgement by the pandemic investigation section of the public health bureau before we can send out any notice of home isolation. The University would like to remind all faculty, staff and students to pay thorough attention to their own personal health condition, maintain a normal schedule of life, wear a mask at all times, as well as wash their hands frequently. Moreover, if you have been exposed to the places visited by a confirmed case of Covid-19, or if you are in contact with anyone who was in close contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case, you should engage in self-health monitoring.



In addition to cleaning and disinfecting the areas covered by the student’s footprints, the more peripheral public areas have been included in the second wave to expand the scope of campus disinfection. Moreover, the campus buses remain to be disinfected three times per day with alcohol. NCCU has been grasping at any time up-to-the-minute developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, amending all epidemic prevention measures in a rolling manner. The whole school faculty, staff and students are standing on the same front. We need to show more care, support and encouragement to the people around us. We firmly believe in the medical systems of Taiwan. We feel grateful to the medical staff for their bravery against the epidemic. We have been leaning in as a strong team. We believe that working together, we shall soon overcome the pandemic pressures with courage and grace, as Joan Baez foresees in her signature song, “We Shall Overcome.”