首頁 > 國際學生 > COVID-19: NCCU Response to the April 16 Taipei Mosque Outbreak

COVID-19: NCCU Response to the April 16 Taipei Mosque Outbreak

The April 16 Taipei Mosque outbreak, which has the potential to drive new infections in Taiwan, students are required to continue to actively cooperate with various transmission prevention measures. Three NCCU faculty and students have been confirmed to have visited the Taipei Mosque. All three have been quarantined away from campus and under active health management and monitoring as of April 30. During this period, none of the three participated in classes or campus activities, and adopted remote learning practices.

Please continue to observe all transmission prevention measures:

1. In the classroom:

  • Continue to check in to classes by scanning the QR code.
  • In the classroom, wear a mask if you cannot maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 meters.

2. Campus public spaces:

  • Present identification when entering campus.
  • Continue to wear a mask in all public spaces if you cannot maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 meters.

3. Personal hygiene and protection:

  • Wash your hands frequently, monitor your temperature, wear masks in public, maintain social distancing, and identify yourself when entering and  leaving campus.
  • If you feel ill, including fever and difficulty breathing, immediately seek medical attention. Stay at home, and do not come to campus, or gather with others.
  • If you are registered with the command center’s Tracking and Management System for home quarantine and independent health management, please avoid coming to campus or participating in group activities.
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands. In elevators, wear a mask, avoid talking, and avoid pressing buttons with your fingers.

The Central Epidemic Transmission Center requires masks to be worn in medical facilities, on public transportation, in public commercial establishments, in educational institutions, at exhibitions or sporting matches, at places of religious worship, and in public institutions. Masks can be temporarily removed for eating or drinking provided you observe safe social distancing or are physically separated from others by barriers.

Please continue to monitor public announcements from the NCCU administration regarding Covid-19 prevention, actively follow current transmission prevention policies, and protect your health and that of others.

The Office of International Cooperation cares about your health.